those who build it labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the watchman stays awake in vain.
It is in vain that you rise up early
and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
for he gives to his beloved sleep."
-Psalm 127:1-2
The bread of anxious toil has been my staple in recent days (weeks? months?), with an emphasis on "anxious." It's easy to forget, sometimes, that God's the one building the house, not me. As soon as I forget that, the whole construction seems doomed to crumble - rightfully so, if I'm the builder.
It reminds me of the time that David offers to build God a house, and God turns around with a reality check ("Would you build me a house to dwell in?") and a mind-blowing blessing ("The Lord will make you a house...And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me.") David is humbled and grateful, as well he should be. After all, he set out to build God a house, and God said, "No, no, allow Me!"
Who am I to build anything for You, Lord? Who am I that You would build anything through me? Who am I that You would choose to dwell in me?
Your beloved sleep, because they trust You to produce fruit from their labor.
Your beloved sleep, because they know that You are not as interested in their activity as You are in their hearts.
Your beloved sleep, resting in Your goodness and grace.
Your beloved sleep, because they know they are beloved.
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