Thursday, March 19, 2009

Journal Excerpt

Tues, Jan 13, 2009
Chennai, India

"Then the Lord took note of Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had promised."
-Genesis 21:1

Oh, Father, your promises never fail! You always fulfill what you have spoken. As I've been reading about Abraham and Sarah waiting for a child - and waiting, and waiting - laughing at the promise because sometimes you have to laugh so that you don't cry - I've been reminded of my own unfulfilled promises. Certainly I haven't waited as long, and although at times they do seem impossible they are not so impossible as a 90-year-old woman having a child! "Is anything too hard for God?" he asks - and the angel who visits Mary, whose Child fulfills the ultimate promise both to Abraham and to us all, echoes the question, but with confidence: "For nothing will be impossible with God."

You, my God, are a fulfiller. You give good gifts to your children. You will provide. You always do.

Thank you for the greatest Promise of all, that you fulfilled long ago and you fulfill every day in Christ your Son. "In the mount of the Lord it will be provided", they said of the mountain where Isaac wasn't sacrificed. Abraham called you Jehovah Jireh that day, and for the first time today I saw the true significance of that name. You provided a replacement sacrifice for me. You provided what I needed the most - what I still need every day: salvation by grace through faith.

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