Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Today's run...


That's about all that can be said about my 1.5 mile jog, at no particular pace, this evening. It happened. Still, that's more than can be said of most of my runs this year. Despite a tight schedule on a muggy evening, despite inhaling a bit of gravel, despite a few guys that probably weren't creepy (but I'm awfully creepable), today's run happened.

And if I boast* about it, there's a greater chance that it will keep happening.

*Please disregard yesterday's post about all the good things I accomplish being like filthy rags or clanging gongs or whatever.


  1. I really like your blog and your writing style and like your running I hope to keep at it :D

  2. Yay, new blogs from Libby! Good to have ya back.
